Family Room

LKR 5,500 / per night
Family Room

At the point when an inn or resort room classification says it is a “family room” or “family suite” it essentially implies that the room permits youngsters to rest there with their folks. Past that, there are likely as a wide range of implications to “family room” as there are lodgings on the planet.

Resting Solutions

If your property charges an expense to lease lodgings and play yards, consider the message this ships off families. Additionally, consider these thoughts offering a superior night’s rest for all:

  • Lofts – The Security blinds – Minimize the sound and light between the grown-up and kids’ resting territories.
  • Ideal furniture plan for youngsters with enormous families.

A Better Bathroom

The best washroom setup for families incorporates a different space for the sink and vanity, permitting two individuals to prepare simultaneously. Far better; a vanity with twofold sinks. Different highlights which affect:

  • Lower ledges – Modern ledge statures are excessively tall for small kids to arrive at the sink and spigot. A stage stool under the sink can help, as well.
  • Sink plugs – Families should have the option to fill the sink or bath to wash containers, dishes, or garments.
  • Retractable clothesline – A spot to hang wet bathing suits or garments.
  • Divider snares – More individuals mean more towels, which need a spot to dry.
  • Four sets (in any event) of towels, cushions, and plastic cups – Save your visitors the call to housekeeping for these required things.

Food Preparation and Eating Space

Taking care of a family is a huge cost out and about, and many shrewd guardians cut expenses by bringing their tidbits and beverages from home. We love lodgings with kitchenettes, however, these highlights are additionally significant:

  • Microwave and cooler – These fundamental machines offer the accommodations of home.
  • Eating space – One work area doesn’t offer adequate seating. If extra space isn’t accessible, lap work areas can fill this need.


Progressively, youngsters travel with similarly however many tech gadgets as their folks. The ideal room offers:

  • Free Wi-Fi, for different clients
  • Accusing stations of different outlets and USB ports.
  • Morning timers with iPod docks and a “background noise.”

Room Location

Numerous inns and resorts have explicit “grown-up just” segments and offer separate rooms, pools, and regions for families. The actual rooms might be indistinguishable however the expression “family room” just assigns the area of your room. Family room areas may likewise mean added accommodations for guardians. For instance, these may be ground floor rooms or rooms nearer to play territories.


A few lodgings may explicitly assign rooms with two twofold or two sovereign size beds as a family room because these rooms will rest up to four individuals. Different inns may depict a family room as one that offers a lord bed for guardians and cots or a sleeper couch for the youngsters.

.A family room costs depend on seasons and trends. Contact us for the cost. Accordingly, you can stay luxuriously in a family room with more amenities.

Room Availability

  • Available
  • Not Available

Booking request

    For easy booking, give us a call to make sure of availability at +94 262 234 759 or fill out the form below, and we will get back to you.